All Time Favorite Top Coat Ever: Good Ole' OPI Top Coat

I've tried a bunch of top coats over the years. Hands down, the one that never fails me, is the regular old OPI Top Coat. It leaves my nails the shiniest and protects the best from chipping. It isn't a quick dry top coat but I am glad because I do not like those. I don't like them because in order for those quick dry top coats to really set your polish in a hurry, it makes your polish really hard like glass and chips in big pieces. I also find it to be damaging to my finger nails because of whatever is in it to dry and harden the polish so quickly. I would recommend the quick dry if you really have to get out the door fast but as far as longevity is concerned, they do nothing for me except cause me to re-paint my nails ever other day. I'm willing to be patient and let the regular top coats dry in order to preserve my manicure. Another great one is Essie Let it Shine and for a drugstore choice, I like the Sally Hansen Diamond Shine. I see where SH has come out with a new and improved Diamond Shine but I haven't tried it yet. In any event, a good top coat is a must-have in anyone's nail arsenal. Especially if you're wearing some cheap-o polish that needs extra protection.
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Ive been using Seche Vite fast drying top coat for nearly a year now and love it more than any other brand I've tried. It gives an extremely glossy finish and keeps my nails from chipping for up to 2 weeks, I kid you not. Actually they never chip when I use this. Just a bit of the polish at the tips of my nails wears off. A tiny bit. Which is easily fixed by doing just my tips & then using Seche Vite again. I spend far less time doing my nails now than ever before. That being said, I absolutely hate their base coat. Total rubbish. I love using Deborah Lippmann polish in Prelude to a Kiss as a base. It's not cheap, but one bottle lasts me many many months and it provides a great base that all my polishes stick to without fail. Great stuff. OPI I've never been very impressed with. Something about their formula really irritates me. I expect more from a nail polish if I'm paying close to $10 for it. I prefer my Wet nWild polishes, especially the ones from their Magalast line. They're super opaque, so if I'm in a rush I can get away with one coat topped with Seche Vite top coat. The brush on these is also amazing. Best brush ever.
ReplyDeleteI'm a fan of Seche Vite as well, love the shine and quick dry time but for some reason it doesn't last long before it chips. I think it is my fault because I usually put on about 3 coats of polish and then a thick coat of Seche Vite so much so that you can peel my nail polish off! so when I ding my nails on something the polish kind of peels off. I am loving the Revlon Colorstay Top Coat- not a quick dry but really makes my manicures last. You mention you don't like the SV base coat, I hate their ridge filler! I like the OPI formula and brush, just don't find their shades very interesting, occasionally there is a good one but not as a whole. Really like that Spoiled line, nice formula and brush! Deborah L polish is really good!! Love how it applies! Thanks for reading:)